
Archive for the ‘skip beat’ Category

I often come across two very similar things in succession. I was reading the Skip Beat! manga and Ren Tsuruga, one of the main characters, ate breakfast twice. And then when I was watching a Korean drama, Dal Ja’s Spring, the main character ate dinner three times.

Although nothing terrible happened to Ren, Dal Ja got constipation and had to be taken to the hospital. I was disgusted but I also thought Dal Ja was stupid to have done so. She could’ve just said, “Oh, I’m sorry, I’ve already eaten” but of course she had to eat since she had been invited (and to a nice restaurant, too). Or at least she could have said no when she was going to eat dinner the third time. (But I guess us humans are still feeble-minded and often make the wrong decisions. Then again, maybe something bad would happen whatever choice we made.)

Today was a friend’s birthday, so I walked over to her house. Avatar was playing on the TV. I was excited to finally get a chance to watch it (and without have to get my own copy of the DVD) because there was a lot of uproar over it when it came out. (Too bad watching it on the TV means that it isn’t in 3D, but oh well. 3D would probably make me dizzy or it would be too realistic and give me a heart attack. It still looks nice even if it isn’t in 3D). I was surprised about how tall the Na’vi were and also that they had tails. From what I had seen, they had seemed very humanoid, so I hadn’t expected that.

I had another encounter with James Cameron (the director) because soon afterwards I saw an imitation of Titanic (which happens to be one of his films too). I can’t remember whether I’ve watched Titanic or not, but I think I probably haven’t. And now that I think of it, I still want to watch Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea. I still haven’t gotten around to it…I wonder if the DVD is out. In that case, I can get it from the library.

Lately I haven’t had much appetite. It’s probably because I stay inside most of the time (since it’s hot and sunny without any clouds, most of the time, outside) and because I’m not really able to go far from the house. I had been hoping that I would be able to go on walks by myself for the purpose of taking photos, but that hasn’t happened, seeing as my mom says, “Wait until we get home, then you can go with your dad.” But it’s kind of weird. Sometimes I can feel so lonely, but there are many times now that I just want some peace and quiet. I wonder if it’s a good thing or a bad thing that I’m becoming so solitary.

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That’s a phrase that I saw in the book The Heights, the Depths, and Everything in Between by Sally Nemeth. And I thought it was really very true.

Life can give a person a lot of happiness, but also a lot of pain. If we didn’t have the good times to keep us up, the sorrow in our lives would take over. There are still things that I’ve done in the past that continue to haunt me. If I didn’t have good memories that I could recall, I don’t know how I could keep from being swallowed.

My mom says that she likes to watch funny dramas so she can have something to laugh about. I find her interest in watching dramas rather amusing. She checked out this book from the library about a guy named Jerry in Australia. (There was a picture of him visiting the Twelve Apostles, which are these rocks in the ocean – unfortunately there are no longer twelve of them – which I had visited myself last summer)

My parents also seem to know about Super Junior. And then my mom said she knew about one of the guys from SS501 and how he was in Boys over Flowers or something like that. My dad, on the other hand, for a short time, kept mentioning someone called Angela Baby.

There really aren’t that many differences between teenagers and middle-aged people. Both of them like…
– Asian dramas
– Social networking sites (Facebook, Kaixin, etc.)
– Being selfish

In fact, I wonder if that means that adults are immature or if that teenagers are actually middle-aged in their mindset.

Well, my mom had said that the older you get, the more you recede and become more childlike…Like slot machines, for instance. They have bright, cute pictures (cherries, bananas, diamonds, etc.) and make amusing noises. In a way they are like toys. No, I take that back – they ARE toys. Toys that take your money. XD

I’ve been watching an anime called Special A the past few days, and it’s been pretty good. But it has a lot of similarities to Skip Beat, which I have also watched (and am currently reading the manga of).
– are in the Hana to Yume magazine
– have clueless heroines
– have heroines who are out to beat someone (Kyoko wants to top Sho, while Hikari wants to defeat Kei)
– have scenes where a character has a very evil aura
And so on. It’s always possible to pick out similarities between stories. I guess it’s because of the “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” idea. After Harry Potter came the Lightning Thief. I haven’t read the Olympians but I’ve heard that both involve half-bloods and such things. So it seems to very common for people to borrow one another’s ideas.

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